Every year I ask myself should I go to the memorial, then I have to admit that I will only get weird looks from all of them for my beard, and long hair that I have in a pony tail. I am tired of be treated like poop! Lewis,
Singing Man
JoinedPosts by Singing Man
Are You Going To The Memorial This Year?
by minimus ini think it's april 4th.
(i think).
are you going?
Were getting married in Vegas!!!!!!
by obiwan inyep!!!
were getting married in las vegas!!!.
the fourth of july weekend obiwan and sloan are getting married!!!!
Singing Man
Cool man cool I just got married too, now its humpti hump time in southern Utah.
Now listion right up now, the best place in Vegas to get hiched is called: "Wee Kirk O' the Heather" its the oldest little chapel in Vegas, its two blocks from Freemont Street and near the court where you get your licence. Your licence will cost $50.00 and your chaple stuff will cost $50.00 but with the fifty you get your choce of pictures or VCR movie of it all. PS Don't listion to those weird O's near the court. WWW.WeeKirk.com
Are not Jehovahs Witness's Apostates them selfs?
by Singing Man inare not jehovahs witness's apostates them selfs, they came from a few religions them selfs.
apostateing one self in and of its self is not a bad thing to do from any group is not ment to be a disgusting thing, why do they make it such a boogie man word?
Singing Man
Are not Jehovahs Witness's Apostates them selfs, they came from a few religions them selfs. Apostateing one self in and of its self is not a bad thing to do from any group is not ment to be a disgusting thing, why do they make it such a boogie man word?
a·pos·ta·sy ( ? -p ¼ s " t ? -s ¶ ) n., pl. a·pos·ta·sies . Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause. (American Heritage Dictionary)
Bloody E-Watchman!
by czarofmischief ine-watchman has decided to embrace the unholy watchtower whore and uphold her disgusting burdens on blood transfusions.
for the record, i now have e-watchman's email address and will be sending him copies of my commentary shortly after they are posted.
i have edited the content where necessary for sheer space (his verbiage is excessive and tiresome).
Singing Man
Yes, the WT makes many big brother like claims as if they have come down off the mountain, they make most resonable people sick.
Do any of you preach on yahoo or MSN chat rooms?
by Singing Man ini have caught myself preaching while in a few of those rooms, till i had to tone it down a bit and say just tell them what you personaly think, not what the wt says.
Singing Man
Well the rooms I mean is in Yahoo.com they have chat rooms as well as MSN, MSN has a lot of rooms but Yahoo easy to get into.
To those desiring to be of the anointed..
by kes152 inthe invitation to be of the anointed is offered to anyone, for the scripture says, "many are called, but few are chosen" (matthew 22:14).. the call is to anyone who wishes to be of the anointed and many respond to the heavenly calling.
but upon finding out what is needed and what is done, only few are the ones who choose to keep the anointing and remain in it.
others do not want to give up their 'possessions' and 'return to the things behind' (luke 18:22, 23; john 6:66).
Singing Man
I think if God wants someone for some special thing like going to heaven he will make it so plain to him or her that it will be beyond all false hopes. It will be special something very special that will be finely made for each one to know. It will not be something that the WT has to describe and then a human has to follow that discription. for something like this it would be very personal between you and Jehovah and you and him alone.
.A question for the guys about VASECTOMIES!!!
by nicolaou inwould you recommend it?.
i've got an appointment to see my doctor in less than an hour for some pre-op discussion.
i guess they want to make sure that i am sure!.
Singing Man
It is that veiw that the witness have is what tells me that are all nuts and not to be trusted, by saying those that have had a vasectomie can not be used as a elder or servant. Wow, what a messed up bunch of fools.
marriage = jw + jw
by HapEMelissa indoes the marriage of an active jw have to be to another active and practicing jw?
Singing Man
Yes, if you don't want to be marked by those in the hall. If you marry someone that the rest of the cong does not aprove of, you will find them sneering at you and you will hear special needs talks given during the service meeting about you with out saying your name. (Real nice bunch huh!).
Is Michael Jackson Guilty?
by shamus inbe nice on this thread, please!
i don't want to see it get locked b/c of some people!.
do you think he's guilty?
Singing Man
You know he is, just because he does the moon walk does not make him a saint. Besides sleeping with little boys can hardly be considered praise worthy.
News article: The last days? Drought, fires, and Jehovah's Witnesses
by Leolaia inthe last days?
local clergy doubt recent drought, fires signify apocalypse
by lynn arave
Singing Man
Well now Virginia just stop and think for a moment. If you were living anywhere 100 years ago would you hear of earth quacks in different parts of the world? The ansure is no, you may hear of them months or years after the fact if someone wanted to write about it that is. We hear of these things be cause of the way we communicate now, not because there is so much more going on.